Running Rambles
A Follow-Up Blog
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that I like to nerd out and cite to studies about how to train your body for best results. Every now and then, however, we need to check in with what we think we know because new research can sometimes suggest we need to reconsider our previous beliefs. New research also can help test theories and provide some empirical data to confirm anecdotal observations. In the spirit of embracing science and fact-based training, it’s time to do some revisiting. Here are some updates on past blog topics! Running and Your...
Drink Up! The Importance of Hydrating in the Winter
Runners don’t think as much about hydration during the winter. There are, for instance, fewer acute indicators (“I am so thirsty!”) urging one to drink during this season. Winter hydration is trickier than it might appear, though, so it’s important to to have a season-specific hydration plan. It should go without saying that drinking adequate amounts of water is a Good Thing. Beyond the ordinary advantages to runner health that it confers, water is particularly good for you during the wintertime because it can give your immune system a boost during cold and flu season. However, winter running has its...
Treat Yourself in 2017
Did you set some New Year’s resolutions? It’s time to revisit them and check to see if you’re still committed. If not –– assess what went awry, adjust, and get back on track. There’s plenty of year left. Often, people stumble when they’ve set goals that are –– how shall we put this delicately –– too darn tough. Herculean tasks are hard to accomplish unless you’re Hercules. If you’ve found yourself thinking, “Why does everything have to be so difficult?” it’s time to take a step back and rethink. Are you this guy? If so, stop reading. Otherwise… Here’s a...
Running: It’s Good for Your Knees
Someone recently asked me to write about how running affects your joints. January is a great time to think about this because if you have spent some time with relatives over the holidays, you’ve had some version of the following conversation: Aunt Gladys: “So, you’re a runner.” You: “Uh, yeah.” Uncle Joe: “I only run when someone is chasing me.” You: “Well…” Aunt Gladys “You know…running will destroy your knees.” You’ll destroy your knees… Let me reassure you of two things: 1) it is a waste of time to argue with Aunt Gladys and 2) it is a myth that...
Improve Your Training for 2017
As the New Year approaches, take the opportunity to assess your strengths and weaknesses by looking over your training log. (You are keeping track of what you have done in the past, right? If not, that’s Resolution #1 for 2017: enter the time and distance of every run in a training log within 24 hours of completing the run.) A year-end review can be very illuminating. I, for instance, fell short of my fall racing goals –– I was slower than I planned to be. To determine why, I took a look at my training log and realized that my...